Thursday, September 17, 2009

William Bogert

William Bogert
William Bogert, William Charl Hanna Bieber, Reuben Deschler, Solomon Dorny, William Henry Reinhart, Jonias Lewis Jacoby, Lucinda Henrietta Wieter Actor: In Production; 2000s; 1990s; 1980s; 1970s; 1960s; The Flying Scissors (2009) (completed) Tenure (2009) . Dean Leakey "Gilmore Girls". College Dean (1 episode, 2007) William Bogert and his family from Magazine Antiques provided by Find Articles at BNET
William Bogert
Provides a mailing address for requesting autographs and sending fan mail to William Bogert George Henry Bogert (1864 - 1944), American landscape painter; Tim Bogert (b. 1944), American bass guitar player; William Bogert (b. 1936), American character actor William Bogert and his family from Magazine Antiques provided by Find Articles at BNET
William Bogert
Service Temporary Unavailable William Bogert is an actor who played four different characters in Law & Order. A biography and related information. Television Review | 'The Vampire Diaries': Dear Diary: Bitten, and It̢۪s No Hickey
William Bogert
William Bogert (born January 24, 1936) is an American character actor best known for his semi-regular role of Brandon Brindle on Small Wonder from 1985 to 1989. William Bogert (born January 24, 1936) is an American character actor best known for his semi-regular role of Brandon Brindle on Small Wonder from 1985 to 1989. Provides a mailing address for requesting autographs and sending fan mail to William Bogert
William Bogert
Actor: In Production; 2000s; 1990s; 1980s; 1970s; 1960s; The Flying Scissors (2009) (completed) Tenure (2009) . Dean Leakey "Gilmore Girls". College Dean (1 episode, 2007)

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